Wednesday, February 1, 2012

From the Desk of the Lowly Office Aid: February 2012 Edition

February 2012

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Dear Friends and Family,

We are officially one month down in 2012. Now only eleven more to go. We can do it, right? January passed by in a blurry whirl, and I am a little bewildered to find that February is already here. No longer is it the new year, but the gently used year. I still don't understand just how time works. I mean yes, I know that it goes by...but why is it that when you are looking forward to something is seems forever away, and then when you get it, everything passes so by so quickly that before you know it, it's all over. Maybe you guys have the answer, but I know I certainly don't.

For instance, my birthday celebration is long gone, although I feel like I had been expecting and expecting it, and then it happened, and it was great, but now all of a sudden it's not even the same month. However, despite the time elapse, all the evidence of it, the gifts and balloons and cards, heck, even my last piece of cake, still lurk around my house, waiting for me to put them away. Personally, I just wish they would put themselves away. It hasn't happened yet, so I might just have to give up on that dream. Such lazy gift bags these days. All they do is lie around and take up precious floor space and block drawers I need to get into. Oh wait. Maybe that's my own fault. Woops.

I remind you that my house is quite small, and after all of these holidays she has definitely gained some Christmas and birthday weight, or, as they say it on the streets, she's got too much junk in her trunk (bedroom, actually, but you get the gist, right?) Needless to say, I am in the process of trying to store all the lovely gifts I  have received into any nook or cranny that I can discover. I guess I really have no room to complain, it sounds pretty silly to have issues with getting too many gifts. It's definitely not a problem. I assure you. Or, if it is, it is a very good problem to have. But seriously, I totally wish that Mary Poppin's carpet bag existed in real life and that I owned it. That lady is luckier than she knows. She probably isn't even using that thing to full capacity. She is hogging all the precious magic carpet bag space!

If only I had it I would show that carpet bag just how magical it actually is. It would be amazing. Just think of it! All of my stuff would fit into one very space saving bag. Ahhh...what a dream. Those vacuum sealed space bags would be a joke compared to my magic carpet bag. Sorry, Mary, I am officially stealing it from you. I guess though, the only issue with a suitcase with supposedly infinite space is that it would probably be really hard to find stuff. It would be the world's biggest and most annoying purse (all you females reading this right now I am sure understand me. Why is it that no matter how small or organized your purse is, you can never find what you need?) Shoot, now this carpet bag is starting to sound less appealing. If it takes me an hour to find everything that I need, that may just turn my dream into a nightmare. For now, I will just have to stick with reality. No more magic carpet bag for me. The reality is that all I have is a suitcase with one busted zipper and a very finite and very dusty Rubbermaid container under my bed. I guess that will have to do.

Oh and before I forget to tell all of you, Happy early Valentine's Day! I wouldn't dare forget to wish my  dear readers lots of love in honor of the nationally recognized holiday of love! I hope it is a wonderful day for you all. As for myself, it will just be a fairly normal day. As I am still living in single town, and have neither a significant other, nor am still a child, Valentine's Day this year will just be...Tuesday. I might wear pink or red or something, but that's probably all I will do. I still maintain that Valentine's Day is awesome when you are a kid. Personally, I always loved getting those little Power Ranger and Winnie the Pooh valentines from all of my friends. Now I don't get any valentines. I could buy my own, but I think that would be just a little weird. I guess though, now that I'm an adult, I do get better things overall, like pay checks. Yes, getting paychecks is really way more awesome than getting valentines from all my school friends. The only way my paychecks could be more awesome (besides them being bigger) is if, like my childhood valentines, they had pictures of the Power Rangers or the Transformers or Batman on all my pay stubs telling me "You did a great job!" or "Keep up the good work!" Now that would be truly epic...UCLA Human Resources, please take note. I'm just saying, a good job from Optimus Prime would really motivate me is all I'm saying. I just think it would be nice to be recognized by the most elite member of a band of crime fighting robot-aliens. Am I right? I don't think anyone can argue with that.

However, now it is my time to go, and so again, on behalf of LS Real Estate, I wish you all a wonderful February and a love-filled Valentine's Day. I know I'm not Optimus Prime or Batman, but I hope it's good enough just coming from me. You'll hear from me again in March! So until then, I am...

Signing Off,

Joy Jasmine Ellis
The Lowly Office Aid
LS Real Estate

Mr. Suitcase says, "Joy keeps going on and on about how cool Mary Poppin's carpet bag is, but look at me. For goodness sake, I have arms, legs, and a face! I am way more magical than that old thing."

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