Friday, March 2, 2012

From the Desk of the Lowly Office Aid: March 2012 Edition

March 2012
Dear Friends and Family,

It's March everyone! I don't know about you, but as for me, I really like this month because it means the start of something new that I love: the start of spring! I love me some winter, but there is just something so pretty and promising about spring: a new season, new plants, new weather, and just new life all around. So let's dive into this month!

So, since we are on the topic of new, I will let you in on a little secret. Recently, I have been challenged to start trying some new things in my life, to start taking some small risks, to try out something different. I have always considered myself to be a person who enjoys new experiences, so at first I wasn't sure where this challenge was coming from. From my standpoint, I felt like I was always trying new things all the time. However, after thinking about it for oh, like five seconds, I realized that perhaps I had been fooling myself. I recognized that I had become an extreme creature of habit without even knowing it. That brain of mine tricked me! I thought I was Miss I Do New And Different Things All The Time! but I was really Miss I Do The Exact Same Thing As Last Time.

For instance, I always carry out my morning routine in the exact same way. I always washed my face before I washed my hair and never after, and I always brushed my teeth after putting in my contacts and never before. Never. I think that somehow I was convinced that I was Indiana Jones in some ancient cursed temple, where I had to tread on exactly the right stones and carry out every step in the process to get the treasure in just the right way or else some spikes from the ceiling or poisoned darts from the walls would shoot out and kill me or something! Except, of course, this, just like all the rest of my crazy imaginings, turned out not to be true. One day when I washed my face at the end of my shower and not before, I discovered that...absolutely nothing happened. I double checked the walls and ceiling for spikes and poison darts, but the only thing that I discovered upon my inspection were the slightly grubby tiles that have always been there. So, as cool as it is to think that you're Indiana Jones in a forbidden temple, it's also nice to realize that you're not. It's nice to realize sometimes that you are just in your safe yet slightly damp bathroom, and that there are no Nazis or cursed spirits hunting you down, and the only thing that could possibly threaten to kill you is your roommate if you make too much noise getting ready in the morning. But even that I don't even really worry about since, usually, she's pretty darn nice. 

So, ever since I had this epiphany, I have begun a quest to become the Try Something New Girl! Granted, I haven't gone crazy or anything, and that's okay by me. I don't see any cliff diving, or bungee jumping, or sky diving in my future as of now, but sometimes you have to start small, right? So, now, instead of parking in the same place every day, and sitting in the same row at church, and buying a lot of the same food at the grocery store, I am all over the place. I am now finding new routes home, trying new foods, new laundry detergents, closer and better parking spots, new lip glosses, makeup, and body wash! Heck, I even tried the carnitas at Chipotle and I never tried nor thought I would try the carnitas at Chipotle. And you know what? It's pretty darn good! I may even get it next time! I just don't know where the madness will stop!

However, what I do know is this: I think that I am actually liking this new stage of my life. I always thought I already had all of my likes, favorites and preferences firmly in place, but now, I realize that it's much more fun and exciting to find out if you like even more stuff than you did before! Who says that there's a limit to the things you can like and enjoy?  I don't know who says it, but I'm not listening to them. And you may ask, but Joy, what if you try something new and you don't like it? Good question readers, good question, and that has been precisely the very question I have been asking myself most of this time...and you know what, I discovered that not liking something new is perfectly fine too! Remember, this is not Indiana Jones land, I promise you. So, as cool as that might be (minus the cursed spirits and spikes and snakes), I realized that even if you don't like something you try, nothing really bad happens. You just check that off your list and go off in search of more new stuff. So yeah, that will be me this March, trying new things all over Los Angeles.

Moreover, since you, my lovely readers, are such an important part of my life, I wanted to try something new with you guys too. I am realizing that as much as I write and talk to you, I don't often get to hear back, and I would love to hear from you! So, this is what I'm going to try, so work with me here. From now on, I am going to include in my letter not only a bunch of my random thoughts and ramblings, but also some questions to give you a chance to respond. Then after you read it, and if you think you might actually want to share with me your answers, then you can post the feedback here at the blog. Plus, I just created, in the very midst of writing this letter, a brand new email just for you guys to share with me, The Lowly Office Aid. Very appropriately named, my new email is! I would love for you guys to blow up my inbox with any feedback, questions, comments, and ideas, or any random or awesome stuff you would like to share with me! I am excited to be taking our relationship to the next level! I really appreciate all of you who read this faithfully every month, and I can't wait to hear back from you.  So now that my room is running out, I will give you my questions for this month: What new things would you like to try? What are some things that you would like me to try? What things are you afraid to try? What do you refuse to change? What do like or hate about trying new things?

Well, my friends, we have reached the end so now, I must leave you, but don't worry, it's only for a while. So in the mean time I leave you now with all of my best wishes for a happy March, a great start to spring, and a whole month full of fun, new, and exciting things!

Signing Off,

Joy Jasmine Ellis 
The Lowly Office Aid
LS Real Estate

Mr. Chipotle Taco says,
"Yes! I have finally accomplished my lifelong mission to get Joy to like carnitas! I am one step closer to complete world domination! Mwahahahaha..."

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