November 2011
Dear Friends and Family,
November has arrived, and along with the change in the weather and the color of the foliage, the newsletter is also turning a new leaf. Now the Lowly Office Aid will be flying solo! My letter will come to you, my lovely readers, at the beginning of every month and the new newsletter will show up on its own on the fifteenth. We hope you will like the new style! I know that change is not always easy, but have no fear, The Lowly Office Aid is here! I will not let you go through this alone, I will still be here every month. So let's get on with the show!
I know that last month I was very much in resistance mode in terms of the new season, but this month, in order to set a good example for everyone, I am fully embracing the change. I think I would be considered insane if I didn't. I admit it.
Summer is officially over. The temperature has officially dropped. The wind outside has picked up, and now our tower fan is finally getting some much needed rest. The leaves are changing colors and dropping like flies all around LA. (Well, at least the ones that can. The palm trees are still firmly green and intact.) My bathing suit is pushed deep into the back of the drawer, not to be seen again for months, and the sweaters and long sleeves are making their much needed reappearance. So I will say it now, if I haven't said it before--Fall is here, and I am trying to take full advantage of it.
For instance, during my recent trip to the grocery store, I went in with my list of the usual staples: milk, cereal, fruit, vegetables, etc... and of course, I purchased all of those things, but how could I leave without taking home some edible autumnal delights that seemed to be around every corner? So before I could stop myself, I had already caved in to the grocery store's strategically placed marketing tactics. When I got home to unload my bags, I found that I had come home with not only spiced apple cider and dried apple rings, but also pumpkin granola, pumpkin muffin mix, and pumpkin cream cheese. Yes, yes, I know, I went a little pumpkin crazy, but how could I resist! They were practically calling my name! "Joy...Joy...Come over here...pick us know you can't enjoy us but one season a know you want us..." And so just like that, I fell prey to their siren song, and now I am gladly drowning in pumpkin goodness. And you know what? That is only the beginning of my pumpkin obsession.
It all started a few weeks ago, when I attended a fall party where traditional and international UCLA students mingled together and delighted in everything fall. To eat, we had traditional and delicious comfort food like Mac n' Cheese and pigs in a blanket, and after we had all chowed down there were many, many desserts to indulge in-- including, of course, pumpkin scones. Thus, me and pumpkin recommenced our love affair. As much as I tried, I could not avoid his advances, because as soon as we finished, guess what? It was time to carve pumpkins. My fate was sealed.
It felt so good to be reunited with dear pumpkin. It had been too long. I even had the pleasure of introducing two Chinese girls to the charms of pumpkin. They had never carved a jack-o-lantern before, and they had a blast giving their pumpkin a mischievous grin. After I helped them, I finally had some quality alone time with my pumpkin. I scooped and scooped out those ooey, gooey seeds until I could scoop no more, and I carved to my heart's content. The best part is that I got to take home my pumpkin and show him off to everyone. I was very proud of my creation. Unfortunately, pumpkin and I had to eventually part ways because he was just getting too moldy for me. So I had to kick him to the curb. It was a sad day, but it had to be done. However, I couldn't forget about him just yet because as his final gift to me he left all of his seeds. So as my last pumpkin delight, my roommate made for us four, yes, four different flavors of pumpkin seeds and I don't know if we will ever be able to finish them! So if you have a hankering for some, you will know where to find them! Have a nifty November everyone!
Signing Off,
Joy Jasmine Ellis
The Lowly Office Aid
LS Real Estate, Inc.
Mr. Pumpkin says,
"The reason I don't come out until Autumn is because I have to spend the rest of the year getting ready so I can look good for the ladies...There's a reason why everything I'm in is delicious..."
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