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August 2011
Dear Friends and Family,
It's August everyone, which means that it's time for the monthly breakdown from the corner of the Lowly Office Aid! In most of my letters I usually like to at least mention the major holidays that occur in that month, but the problem with August is that there is never a holiday that I could talk about...until now. While laying out this month's articles, I stumbled upon the one about Left Handers' Day, and of course, I immediately went to reading it because, as only a select few of you might know, I am one of those that call themselves left handed. Apparently, according to the newsletter (and facebook) August 13 is dubbed as the official International Left Handers' Day, which is pretty exciting because I never knew that there was a whole day devoted to my kind.
If the statistics are correct, then about 10% of you reading this can join me on the 13th by proudly celebrating our left hands. The rest of you righties can just marvel at our amazing use of that hand that you consider inferior while wishing you could be as special as us select 10%. Personally, I am very happy to be part of this minority. Coming from a family of three other righties I have felt very special and unique all my life. I always love the moment that people discover that I am left handed. This is always how it goes. The previously unaware person suddenly becomes aware when they spy me writing away at something--then, it's always the same reaction..."Wow/Whoa/Cool/, You're left handed!?' It's always said with some degree of surprise like I was trying to hide something from them, as if they discovered I had an extra toe or wore a wig or something (neither of which are true, I definitely have ten toes and real hair, very stuck to my head). The response is also an interesting blend of sentence types. It is one part exclamation, because they are always surprised at the discovery, one part question, because they partly seem confused over whether the whole left handed thing is a joke or not, and also one part statement, because they seem to believe that they are the first one to inform me of me of my status as a left handed person, as if I wasn't yet aware.
Maybe I should answer as if I didn't know I was. I guess it would be a little more interesting that way. I usually just give the standard truthful response like "Yup, I am" which is the honest, if not the boring option. Or maybe I could say in return, "Wow! You're right handed!" Then maybe they will get how I feel, not that it bothers me for them to comment on it. I just think it's funny. I wonder if you my fellow left handed readers have encountered similar reactions to our sinister (this word comes from the Latin for left, I don't why our side always gets associated with evil, I swear we are nice folks!) little quirk/difference or whatever you like to call it. I guess the only major downsides about being a lefty are that my hand always gets covered with ink when I write, especially on those glossy greeting cards which I have smeared more than I would like to admit. Also, school desks can be rather uncomfortable for us because we have to stretch over to write, but luckily in college they usually had at least a couple of desks for us, which was very courteous of them. But anyways, I am a proud lefthander and I guess I will celebrate it on the 13th, and so for all the righties, I guess just be extra nice to us that day.
However, before I bore the rest of you with all this left handed talk, let's talk summer! It is definitely in full swing and I am loving the So Cal weather. After getting back from Haiti, I appreciate it even more because there not only is it hot but it is humid which makes everyone a sweaty, sticky mess which I can tell you is not very attractive. However, despite being a sweaty, sticky mess in Haiti, I was also a happy sweaty person, and I can tell you all for the third year in a row that it was an amazing trip. It was great seeing all of our friends there and I believe that we were able to do a lot of good. So thank you for your patience and kindness in my absence, but I am officially L.A. bound now. I'm not going anywhere! So enjoy the weather, the beach, and some watermelon and I will see you in September!
Signing Off,
Joy Jasmine Ellis
The Lowly Office Aid
Mr. Sun says, "Enjoy the nice August weather I am giving you guys right now because trust me it isn't going to last forever. Also I would like to note if I did have hands, I would totally be left handed, just thought I should let you know."
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